The end of a union between two people can either come as a relief, or it can be seen as an extremely stressful event. Research has shown that the reason behind divorce often stems from numerous issues in the way partners relate to one another rather than a specific problem. Whether a partner chooses to leave a marriage or stay, a wide set of emotions are often experienced, including feelings of anger, guilt, grief, confusion, fear, shame and anxiety.
The following are the most common grounds for divorce:
- Money
- Domestic violence
- Substance abuse
- A lack of commitment to the relationship
- Adultery
- Discord
- Excessive arguing
The end of a marriage is usually an unhappy occurrence, defined by sadness and the loss of dreams and expectations. Legal, financial, parental, emotional and practical problems necessitate time, energy, and reorganisation of obligations. It can take years for people to restore their equilibrium. Divorce, however, provides a vital legal and emotional function.
When children are involved in the separation process, it adds to the stress level and experience of complex emotions. Couples or individuals often seek counselling before divorce to help them decide whether they want to stay in a marriage or leave. Others might seek counselling after divorce for guidance in the transition from married life to being single. Both these goals are addressed in therapy where divorce therapy techniques are applied.
During a divorce, two people must come to terms with the demise of their partnership, establish emotionally and financially independent lives, and leave the relationship behind them. It's critical to recognise and accept each partner's participation in the relationship's demise. Setting up rules of engagement to limit communication between divorcing partners is often beneficial. A professional therapist's outside perspective can be extremely helpful.
Working with a therapist might help you set a goal and see things from a different viewpoint. It can provide a person with the tools they need to get through the challenges of divorce. Those who seek therapy to help them recover from divorce generally find it beneficial. They might be interested in learning more about themselves. Divorce can provide opportunities for personal growth and development.
Most of the topics discussed during marriage or relationship counselling are not admissible in family court proceedings. This includes anything said or discussed with a mediator or psychologist during a mediation or Family Dispute Resolution session.
Couples going through a divorce can also benefit from divorce therapy. This form of counselling can help you have a happy and healthy divorce. A divorce therapist might serve as a sort of middleman between the parties.
While you strive to work out the emotional, physical, and financial legalities that typically precede a divorce, a divorce counsellor can teach you and your partner how to communicate amicably. This counsellor can also assist you and your partner in determining whether or not you want or need to divorce.