During this 3-day online workshop, all aspects pertaining to conducting ethical and professional psycho-legal work, within scope of practice, will be covered in a highly practical and hands on way. Real life case studies and Psycho-legal reports will be used to facilitate learning.
By the end of this workshop participants will have acquired the following knowledge:
- The difference between forensic work and psycho-legal work in the South African context.
- Practicing principled psycho-legal work: legal, ethical and moral considerations.
- Scope of Practice issues.
- Factors to keep in mind before accepting a psycho-legal case.
- Communicating with the legal professional.
- Understanding the difference between Advocates, Attorneys, Judges, Magistrates and Presiding Officers.
- Who is the client in psycho-legal work?
- Family matters including; best interest of the child standard, care and access, and parental rights and responsibilities.
- The process of psychological evaluation in family matters.
- Parenting plans and how to create them with parents.
- Criminal matters including sexual offences, murder, fraud and theft.
- The process of psychological evaluation in Criminal matters including both victims and perpetrators.
- Relevant legislation including the Children’s Act, Sexual Offences and Related Matters Amendment Act and the Criminal Procedures Act.
- Competency to stand trial and to be a witness in Court: both adults and children.
- Ethical issues including informed consent, waiving of confidentiality and dual relationships.
- Psychometric assessment.
- Psychological evaluation.
- Report writing for court purposes.
- Collateral information.
- Using explanatory models.
- Making recommendations to the Honourable Court.
- Court proceedings.
- Conducting yourself as an Expert Witness.
- Possible complaints against you at the HPCSA and how to deal with them.
During this full day workshop, case studies and real-life examples from practice will be drawn upon. By the end of this workshop participants will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
- A theoretical understanding of what Psycho-Labour work entails
- A Systemic understanding of the world of work
- An understanding of the Labour Act and what Psychologists must know about it
- The Labour context in South Africa
- Cases of unfair dismissal
- The role of Psychologists in disciplinary procedures in labour cases
- Sexual harassment in the workplace and dealing with it from a psychological point of view
- Workplace violence, bullying and discrimination in the world of work
- Ethical considerations in Psycho-Labour work
This online workshop will be presented in a small group format. An intimate and hands on learning will be facilitated through experiential work and case studies.
By the end of this workshop participants will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
- How and why Psychology Practitioners are regulated in South Africa (HPCSA)
- Scope of the Profession of Psychology Practitioners
- Scope of Practice for all Registered Categories in Psychology
- What constitutes an ethical dilemma?
- Relevant legislation for all Psychology Practitioners should know, including the Health Professions Act, the Children’s Act, the School Act, and the South African constitution
- Ethical code for all Psychology categories, focusing on multiple relationships, informed consent and confidentiality
- Generic HPCSA rules of conduct
- Using Psychometry in an ethical way
- Ethical record keeping
- Who owns the client file?
- Managing on-line ethics and electronic work
- Working in a variety of settings as Psychological Practitioner
- A model for conceptualising ethics
- Various case studies to facilitate learning
- Ethical billing and financial practice
- What to do when there is a complaint against you at the HPCSA
As psychologists, we are trained to view our client's narratives of their life stories from a clinical and theoretical standpoint. We look at the current behaviour and see mechanisms that play a role in how the client experiences their world and the subsequent emotions that are elicited. In addition, psychologists look at the interpersonal patterns of relationships across all fields such as family, friendship, intimate and work relationships. Psychologists thus are seeking to what informs a client's behaviour from a biopsychosocial perspective.
Gestalt therapy is a humanistic, holistic, and person-centred psychotherapy that focuses on a person's current life and issues rather than on their past experiences. This method emphasises the necessity of knowing a person's life circumstances and taking responsibility rather than assigning blame. By definition, Gestalt refers to a form or shape and implies that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In this counselling philosophy, there is a strong emphasis on perception. Gestalt therapy focuses on how we assign meaning to our surroundings and make sense of our experiences.
Gestalt therapy with Children
By the end of this workshop participants will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
- Understanding different structures in
- relationships
- Respecting gender and sexual orientation in
- Couples Therapy
- Answer the question “What is Love?”
- The core elements of any romantic relationship
- Identifying the core issues in unhappy
- Relationships
- Can all relationships be saved?
- What is needed to be successful in Couples
- Therapy
- A model for conceptualising relationships
- Identifying the seat of power in couples
At the end of the workshop delegates will have acquired the following skills and knowledge:
- Conceptualising parents and children as a system
- Establishing ethical boundaries with parents
- Creative therapeutic approaches with children
- The basic principles of parental guidance
- The elements of parental guidance
- The different parenting styles
- Facilitating communication between parents and children
- Structure and discipline
- Values as part of parenting
- Parents and children enjoying each other’s company
During this full day practical and interactive workshop learning will be facilitated by practical exercises and hands on work. At the end of the workshop delegates will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
- The difference between art therapy and using art to achieve therapeutic goals
- Understanding the role that artwork can play in counselling and therapy
- Working with different mediums in artwork
- What equipment to use in artwork
- Some techniques to use during therapy and counselling
- When to use art in therapy and counselling
- Using art to facilitate healing, prevention and development in clients
- Using art in trauma counselling and therapy
- Doing some experiential artwork during the workshop
During this ONLINE interactive, full day workshop, learning will be facilitated experiential means, case studies and hands-on work. At the end of the workshop, Psychologists and Supervisors will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
- Conceptualising the student/intern from a holistic perspective
- Doing contextual supervision
- Entering the supervisory relationship
- Honouring the uniqueness of each supervisee
- Deciding on the approach to use with each supervisee and the cases they bring
- Ethical supervision
- Scope of Practice issues
- Empowering the supervisee
This CPD workshop has nothing to do with the work of a practice manager. Instead, it looks at running/ managing your own practice as a psychologist/ psychometrist/ registered counsellor:
- Starting and Maintaining a Psychological Practice
- The appropriate documents needed in a Psychological Practice
- Administrative work in a Psychological Practice
- Deciding on the services you will provide
- Harnessing your own strengths
- Choosing a context to work in
- Fees, contracting and billing options
- The Medical Aids and BHF
- Self-Management and Time Management
- Marketing and branding your Practice
During this online interactive workshop, learning will be facilitated by case studies, drawings, as well as practical exercises and hands on work. At the end of the workshop, Psychologists and Registered Counsellors will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
- Understanding divorce as a lifelong process
- Conceptualising blended families from a psychological point of view
- Applying systems thinking to blended families
- Family structures in blended families
- The differences between nuclear families and blended families
- The developmental processes in blended families
- Therapeutic approaches to children, adolescents and stepparents
- The effects of divorce and remarriage on children, adolescents and adult children
- Facilitating relationship building between step-siblings
- Facilitating relationship building between children and stepparents
- The effect of ex-spouses on the development of blended families
- Empowering children and parents during therapy and counselling
- Discipline and tradition in blended families
- What about the marital relationship in blended families?
- The role parenting plans can play in blended families
- Some therapeutic techniques to use in therapy or counselling with blended families
- Ethics and scope of practice when working with blended families
During this online workshop, logotherapy will be contextualised within the Existential paradigm. Participants will be exposed to the work of Victor Frankl.
At the end of the workshop delegates will have acquired the following skills and knowledge:
- An understanding of the basic principles of logotherapy
- An understanding of the premises of Victor Frankl
- The skills to use logotherapy and when to use it in a therapeutic process
- The basic Logotherapeutic techniques
- The Powerful effect of logotherapy
- The skill to facilitate meaning making in therapy
- The skill to facilitate changing traumatic events into opportunities for growth
During this online interactive half day workshop participants will be exposed self-care techniques as well as ways of caring for themselves by implementing mindfulness strategies. At the end of the workshop participants will have gained the following knowledge and skills:
- An understanding of Compassion Fatigue and Burn Out
- Assessing your own risk of developing Compassion Fatigue and Burn Out
- Coping strategies for when you suffer from Compassion Fatigue
- Implementing some mindfulness principles in your daily practice.
- Preventing Compassion Fatigue.
- Self-Care strategies on Physical, Psychological, Professional, Personal, Emotional and Spiritual levels
- Creative self-care methods
At the end of the workshop participants will have gained the following knowledge and skills:
- An understanding of Compassion Fatigue and Burn Out
- Assessing your own risk of developing
- Compassion Fatigue and Burn Out
- Coping strategies for when you suffer from Compassion Fatigue
- Implementing some mindfulness principles in your daily practice.
- Preventing Compassion Fatigue.
- Self-Care strategies on Physical, Psychological, Professional, Personal, Emotional and Spiritual levels
- Creative self-care methods
During this ONLINE interactive workshop, learning will be facilitated by case studies and real life examples. At the end of the workshop delegates will have acquired the following skills and knowledge:
- Conceptualising parents and children as a system
- Establishing ethical boundaries with parents
- Creative therapeutic approaches with children
- The basic principles of parental guidance
- The elements of parental guidance
- The different parenting styles
- Facilitating communication between parents and children
- Structure and discipline
- Values as part of parenting Parents and children enjoying each other’s company
During this highly interactive workshop, the complexity of practicing in an ethical way when working in school systems will be addressed. At the end of this practical and hands-on workshop attendees will have the following knowledge and skills:
- An understanding of how psychological practice is governed in South Africa
- Understanding Psychology in schools
- Understanding schools as complex systems
- Knowing the South African legal context and which acts to apply in schools
- Knowing how to navigate ethical practice in complex school systems
- Explicating the most important ethical pitfalls when practicing and working in Schools
- Understanding the ethics of psychometry and assessment in schools
During this online full day workshop, participants will be prepared to develop parenting plans in the most effective and efficient way. Real life parenting plans will be shared in order to equip participants with the practical skills to include parenting plans in their skills set and practice. By the end of this workshop participants will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
- The Children’s Act and parenting plans
- The template for parenting plans
- Mediating and developing parenting plans
- Scope of practice issues in developing parenting plans
- The family advocate’s role in parenting plans
- Required documentation for parenting plans
- Ethical and professional practice management issues when you do parenting plans
This online interactive full day workshop explores addiction and alcoholism and equips participants to be able to work with addicts as well as their families. By the end of this workshop participants will have acquired the following skills and knowledge:
- Conceptualizing Addiction from an Epigenetic framework
- Trauma that underlies addiction
- Relapse
- Relapse Prevention
- Different therapeutic approaches to recovery
- The families of Alcoholics and Addicts
- Co-Dependence
- The cyclic nature of addiction
- Boundaries and Addicts
- Empowering individuals and families
During this highly interactive workshop, an intimate and hands on learning will be facilitated through experimental work and case studies. At the end of this practical and hands-on workshop attendees will have the following knowledge and skills:
- The wide definition of sexual abuse
- The vicious cycle of sexual abuse
- The symptoms of child abuse and how to observe them
- Identifying a child who is being abused
- Evaluation and Assessment Tools of sexual Abuse
- Children's drawings and other qualitative assessment methods
- The legal and ethical obligation when working with a victim of sexual abuse
- The ethics of working with victims of sexual abuse
- The child perpetrator and understanding him/her
During this full day ONLINE workshop, an interactive approach will be used. Case studies and real life examples from practice will be employed to facilitate the workshop. By the end of this workshop participants will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
- An in depth understanding of divorce as a process, including the different levels of divorce.
- A theoretical understanding of Parental Alienation.
- The difference between gatekeeping and parental alienation.
- Red flags during divorce work as signs of parental alienation.
- The alienating parent and the alienated parent.
- The effects of parental alienation on children of divorce.
- How to “diagnose” parental alienation.
- How alienating parents use the mental health profession, legal profession and Court to condone parental alienation.
- Understanding the “ugliest litigation” as attempts to alienate parents from their children.
- Assisting children in therapeutic ways to deal with parental alienation.
- False allegations during cases of parental alienation.
- The role of Psychologists and Registered Counsellors in cases of parental alienation (within scope of practice).
- The skill to introduce life scripts into the therapeutic process
- The skill to analyse life scripts
- An understanding of the significance of life scripts during therapy
- An understanding of the origin of life scripts
- An understanding of the power that life scripts have in our patterns of relating in the world.
- How life scripts relate to genograms
- Linking life scripts to ego-states in therapy
- When not to use life scripts in therapy
- An understanding of Existentialism as a philosophy and paradigm
- Understanding the basic existential principles
- Knowing how to introduce Existential Therapies into the Therapeutic Process
- Knowing the variety of existential therapies
- Client Centred and Rogerian approaches
- Gestalt Therapeutic Approaches
- Logo therapeutic Approaches
- Art in Existential Therapy
- Case studies will be discussed throughout the Workshop
- An understanding of the difference between pathogenic thinking and salutogenic thinking
- Understanding the basic principles of Positive Psychology
- Understanding the Therapeutic Approach from a Positive Psychology perspective
- Knowing how to integrate Positive Psychology in everyday Practice
- The power of Positive Psychology Techniques
- Emotional, Cognitive and Behavioural changes that can take place by using the Positive Psychology Paradigm
- Measuring Instruments in Positive Psychology